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Chemistry Sample 'QuickSheets'

AS Level Bonding

AQA, OCR, Edexcel

This QuickSheet covers the Bonding chapter for all exam boards. Sections covered include bonding, structure, electronegativities and shapes of molecules.

AS Level Equilibria

AQA, Edexcel, OCR

This QuickSheet covers the Equilibria chapter for all exam boards. Sections covered include the qualitative aspects of Equilibria followed by calculation of equilibrium constants.

AS Level Energetics

AQA, Edexcel, OCR

This QuickSheet covers the Energetics chapter for all exam boards. Sections covered include Hess Law, Calorimetry and Bond Enthalpies.

A2 Acid Base Equilibria

AQA, Edexcel, OCR

This QuickSheet covers the Acid-base chapter for all exam boards. Sections covered include calculating pH of strong acids, weak acids and strong bases. Buffers are also covered in detail.

A2 Thermodynamics

AQA, Edexcel, OCR

This QuickSheet covers the Thermodynamics chapter for all exam boards. Sections covered include Born Haber Cycle, Enthalpy of solutions and Entropy.

QuickSheets have been carefully tailored to each individual exam board and are available for all modules. Enrolled students receive the complete package of QuickSheets free of charge!

Chemistry Sample Resources: Files
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